Best cover tunes

Eva Cassidy-"Fields of Gold"

I realise "Live at Blues Alley" is already an audigon staple...but for a relative is a rare breed that can take a song and really make it their own...and even more rare in this case...take a rather disposable song by a pompous Brit...and turn it into something transcedental and magical...

Dinosaur JR-"Just like Heaven"

A suprise find that doesn't surpass the original...which is a good pop song(hey...I like fat Bob)...but like Eva'a...sound as if Dino jr. wrote it in the first place...

Pixies-"Head on"

Doing a cover of the Mary chain is playing with fire...but the Pixies actually up the noise factor and outdue the a great, agressive, inspired version of one of the most overlooked bands of all time...every JAMC record sounds like a greatest hits collection...what is it with these sibling groups(AC/DC,Kinks) that didnt you bless me with a guitar god little brother?

Otis Redding-"Satisfaction"

Borrowing from the Stones plagaristic ways...Otis turns in a great, hi-octane soul version of the most famous guitar riffs of all time...

Hendrix-"Wild thing" (live)

Many saw this as a farce...but jimi openly admitted his love for the song...and turns this 3-chord classic into a psychedelic monster...

Love and ROckets-"ball of confusion"

Few even know this is a cover...but it is a good one...

Bobby King and Terry Evans "At the Dark End of the Street". The Committments also did an excellent version of this classic song. It eludes me at the moment who wrote it, but he should also be one of the great singer songwriters of the 1950-2000 thread. Cheers. Craig
The Avenger's "Paint it Black". Mick just wishes he had their angst.

I've always also had a soft spot for Magnapop's version of Alex Chilton's "13".
If "best" can be taken as "most entertaining":

Gang Green's remake of Til Tuesday's "Voices Carry". You'll be in tears.

The entire "Anton Maiden" album. If you're an Iron Maiden fan, you must hear this to believe it.