High End Amp Choice: Boulder or Viola?

I'm looking to replace my amps with either Boulder 1050 monos or Viola Symphonies to be used with Wilson Audio Maxx2's.

What do you thinkI know about Boulders but don't have much info on how Violas perform. How will they compare with Boulders? Did anyone have chance to listen to both of these amps?

You can check the December issue of Stereophile where there is an equipment report of the Viola Cadenza preamp and a little comments about the Symphony amp. I will have the Cadenza/Symphony combo soon, anyway, and let you know more. Best, luca.
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Viola Audio Labs Spirito/Bravo or Cadenza/Symphony, much better to Boulder.
Razan, how do you know they are 'Much Better'? Did you try/listen both brands with similar setups?
Muratc,Yès for my system the Viola work much Better, the last year, I used the Boulder, I sold them.
i've heard the boulder equipment on a couple of occassions and i think that they look great but don't sound great, especially for the money.