Best $1k Integrated Amp for Spendor S3/5's

Hello, I'm looking into purchasing a preowned set of Spendor S3/5's with a Velodyne sub and wanted to see if anyone has any ideas as to which $1k integrated would work best with them. Some ideas are:

Creek 4330SE or 5330SE, Linn Majik or Classik, MF X-150, or Naim Nait 3 or 5. Also, if going the tube route, Jolida or Cayin look like strong options in that price range.

For the transport, was looking to either go with a Bel Canto Dac 2, MF X10D/PSU, or ART DI/O and Rega Planet as the CDP.

Also, any thoughts on how to build a sub $2500 system by changing any of the above pieces are greatly appreciated.
Prima Luna-I believe the EL34 model was up for sale at $925.Though I don't think you could go wrong dropping $1345 on the 40W/KT-88 model.No tube biasing.
I really liked my Jolida 302b with a pair of Spendor S3/5. The Jolida had more detail, better soundstage, and smoother less fatiguing highs than a either a Linn Classik and a Linn Wakonda/LK85. The Jolida also had less problems driving the S3/5 compared to the Linn Classik.

On the solid state side a Nait 5 should be interesting...

Good luck with your search!

The Onix SP3 is a killer. Beautifully made, excellent sonics, damn good reliability thus far, and dead quiet.... You can pick one up NEW at AV123 for about $700.00. I've had one I've been messing around with for about a month and love it.
2 Integrated Amplifiers that continue to impress me at that pricepoint are the Unison Unico and the Creek 5350SE. Both can be had used here on Audiogon in 9/10 condition for under $1,000.00.

Everytime I listen to them at my friend's house, I am just blown away for the performance/dollar ratio.

Good luck..
