Cheap amp $300 to use with Vandersteen 2ces

Currently, the Vandersteens are being powered by a Rotel RB-956AX in bridged mode for 150w/c. I am selling the center channel and so will be going to 2 channel only.

I have been told that Rotel in general is not a good match for Vandersteens. What other manufactures would you recommend that would match well with the Vandersteens? Now that I only need two channels, I would assume going to a dedicated 2 channel amp would be better than a 6 channel amp bridged to 3.
Actually, I have liked the sound I heard using older Rotel amps on those Vandersteens, and that would have been my suggestion in that price range. Forget "what you've been told", you've used a Rotel with those speakers, what do YOUR ears tell you?
One of the best amps that I felt was the most synergistic with my Vandersteen 2B's was a slightly modded by Musical Concepts Hafler DH200. A very musical and synergistic combo.