Cheap amp $300 to use with Vandersteen 2ces

Currently, the Vandersteens are being powered by a Rotel RB-956AX in bridged mode for 150w/c. I am selling the center channel and so will be going to 2 channel only.

I have been told that Rotel in general is not a good match for Vandersteens. What other manufactures would you recommend that would match well with the Vandersteens? Now that I only need two channels, I would assume going to a dedicated 2 channel amp would be better than a 6 channel amp bridged to 3.
FWIW, many years ago Richard Vandersteen told me that some of the Rotel amps were amongst his first choice for a minimum investment amp for his speakers. He also suggested that more money spent would be well worth it. My humble suggestion is to save your money for a used McCormack.
.. vandies are designed around pse gear..

They are??? It's my understanding that Richard voices his speakers with Audio Research.
Acurus A150 sounded real good when I auditioned said Vandersteens with a Melos 111B preamp.
I have had several B&K amps in that price range but, you can find a used McCormack DNA 0.5 for around $600.