Isoclean Fuses

A few months ago I blew the fuses on my venerable Aragon 4004 mkII. I wondered if an Audiophile fuse was available but had never heard of one. The recent edition of Positive Feedback has a review penned by Albert Porter discussing Isoclean audiophile grade fuses. Anyone had experience with these yet?
Aren't the internal fuses fast-blow and the external slo-blow? Just wondering if the $25 fuses came in fast blow. I've got a DNA225 and was considering the same fuse change out.
My understanding is that the fuses are not sold by dealers. Rather, you can buy them through the Isoclean distributor.
Isoclean fuses are sold direct by the distributor, although Isoclean dealers (I am one) can get them. They only make slow blow types because they have found fast blow not to sound acceptable.