Dartzeel amp lives up to hype

I purchased a fully broken in Dartzeel about a week ago to drive the Von Schweikert VR-7SE. I was concerned about the 100w power rating and was put to ease when I switched it on. Powerful tight bass and the sweetest midrange and delicate highs one could hope for. Transparency is way ahead of all other amps I've had. Definitely lives up to the reviews.
Steinway57- tell your dealer friend it's time to retire- his ears are no longer functioning properly. Thank him for the 30+ years of serving our community.

Fmpnd- If you already have the SST, there should be plenty of warnings in the instructions about the consequences if the product is misused or applied incorrectly. I feel some people don't realize that once you use it on a female XLR or RCA input (like on an amplifier input), how do you remove it from inside the female inputs? Subsequent connections of new male cable pins or cleaned and treated male pins with SST will not prevent the excess build-up inside the female pins. Once too much "highly conductive paste" builds up inside where you can't see it, I would imagine the potential for disaster is high. The ONLY place I would use SST or similar products is where the paste could be completely removed from BOTH contacting points (both inside and out) thereby preventing any build up. Even if used only once, an excessive amount of paste can build up if not applied cautiously. Good luck.
I really think that hearsay proclomations about the performance or reliability of a product that the poster hasn't actually heard, reflects worse on the poster than on the product. Let's remember that in the end you're talking about someone's livelihood here, and negative comments that have no credible basis in fact can be really harmful even if not intended that way. I have never heard a Dart product nor do I know anyone associated with the company or its distribution, and really my comments can apply to any number of threads and posters. Sometimes I wish that we could all think twice before hitting that submit button.

Thanks for the info. I did read the warnings and have heard rumors about potential for it building up. My concerns are: (i) that Andy is not an idiot and used it sparingly like the directions instructed; and (ii) even if I did use it a bit more than sparingly (which I now likely will not use it at all), would a build up of SST really make an amp burst into flames?? I can see it causing a short and blowing fuses - but combusting?

My point is that if anyone else has seen this happen or can explain exactly how this can occur, there is no way in hell I am ever going to take that chance with my components. This thread is timely as I was literally JUST ready to use the SST. I am no novice to this hobby and can deal with a blown fuse but a bon fire????? - NO WAY!!
Jond, and the funny side is that we are talking about a pre that doesnt even exists. And the pre as been comercially anouced a long time: It´s all over the NET, wich shows that Jtinn really works hard. Great marketing!!! With this kind of production (or should I say pre-production) Mr. Dart must work until is 128 years to fullfil is obligations to is customers.
Wow, lots to respond to:

Elberoth2: No problem, I am sure your intentions were honorable.

Steinway57: Having an audio dealer friend "who has been in the business for 3 decades+, and who really has golden ears and also can sell the amp if he chooses, heard it an was less than impressed. He says it was blown away by other amps costing a small fraction of its price." means nothing. Where did he hear it? What did he know that was in the system? Unless he was incredibly familiar with the entire system, how could he pinpoint the bad sound to the amplifier? Do you really think he could sell the amplifier if he really wanted to? I do not think he could and I think he is misleading you. Hear it for yourself, I would bet my left testicle you would not agree with him. :) BTW, I am much more fond of my left testicle than my right.

Frank: I do not want to get into the SST situation. I am happy to talk to you offline, but another person you should contact is Calloway here on Audiogon. The product is good sounding, but incredibly dangerous and I would not use it. The Vivd on the other hand is terrific.

Dlanselm: I cannot really know for sure. There are plenty of people that love to tweak. It does not matter how good a component sounds, there may always be a bit more there with propoer isolation, damping, contact enhancement, etc. I generally stop at anything that voids a warranty.

Essentailaudio: With all due respect, I do not think Mike was really addressing you.

Jond: Very well said! Hearsay is not generally worth repeating if one is putting their name along with it. Someone told me that once :)