DartZeel compared to Pass Labs XA-160/200's

Has anyone had the pleasure of auditioning both the DartZeel amp and Pass Labs XA-160 or 200 monoblocks? They all retail for around $20000.00 and are true reference pieces. If so, what did you hear concerning the sonic signatures in the different amps and what other gear were they being used with. I'm very interested because I will being to try to set up home auditions of both amps in the near future and both have gotten raves and are supposed to be the most "tube-like" SS amps there are, offering both "warm/sweetness" of tubes and at same time have the slam/extension/clarity of SS. Thanks in advance if anyone has this information based on their own listening experience.
At this price point I would strongly suggest taking a look at Lamm M1.2 mono blocks.
Silentrunning, without being unpleasant about it, your response is totally irrevelant to the question I asked. I find it annoying , regardless of the topic of the thread, when someone only wants information concerning specific gear and someone brings in other pieces that are not what the poster was interested in. If I had asked what amps anyone could suggest in the $20000.00 price range your response then would have been a helpful one. So, I hope this is not taken as a personnal rant, I just hope that individuals will offer information requested and not something they like or have experience with.
I hear what you are saying Teajay, but is sometimes very helpful to have alternatives to what is being considered pointed out to you. It would be nice to have some direct comparison backing-up the need for straying. Good luck in your search.