Are Meridian Pre-Amps Awful or Something?

I was looking around a pre-amps and, while Meridian's digital gear seems to be generally well regarded and exhaustively discussed, there is almost no discussion of Meridian pre-amps on the 'gon. Are the Meridian preamps the red-haired stepchild of the Meridian line?

The reason I ask is because I'm in the midst of making one of my rigs more fiancee friendly, which means going from tubes to solid state and infrared remotes to RS232 control. The Meridian G-02 seems to be spec'd out well, but there seems to be a disconcerting lack of Meridian pre-amp discussion historically. What am I missing? I do recognize every component can't be discussed, but yikes... its not just the G-02, can't find much on any other Meridian pre's either.

Right now the system is pretty much all digital sources--computer/CD/DVD/CATV -> a dCS Purcell/Delius combo -> ARC LS16 Mk II -> ARC VT-100 Mk IIIs -> Proac RS3.8s. I was going to swap the VT100s for a pair of D240s I've got, but the pre is a ?. I'd like comparability to the LS16 acoustically, balanced operation, and RS232 control...
meridian does not make any awful products. They do have a unique synergy when together as a system, but all the products in the line stand on their own merit. I use a G91 as my primary disk player and as a pre-amp for my clear audio magnum turtable/balance phono stage. I'm also a dealer if you want to buy one. Your choice of color $2750us
Its late to comment on this one but, Meridian in fact is very very good! about the guy compering it with a BOSE marketing triumph, I guess he just dont know any better! Silly... The best audiophiles active speakers in the world, dvd co-developer and so on... and what about the specs on the pre amps? dual mono since the 502, mm&mc opt, THD -0.01, 7 inputs 3 xlr, programmable too. So i guess that is the Bose thing with Cwlondon
The "Bose thing" is about the worst thing you could say in audiphile circles, fighting words:)
It's a good question. You have two kinds of Meridian customers - those that buy the CD/DVD players based on Meridian's reputation, and those that buy their active speakers and along with them some electronics, like the G-91 or other player with a built in preamp. I would suppose it is a small majority that has purchased the 502 or G02 and partnering 2 channel amplifiers for their systems. That's probably why there are few reviews, other than Sue Kraft's review of all of the components in the Absloute Sound when they came out. I have heard they discontinued these products. Not sure. But I agree - it would be nice to get a good review of the preamp from someone who has used it in a mixed system.
Jimmy there is a great review,

I like it, I feel/think the same way about the preamp, hope you like it!