Time to upgrade - need advice

I currently have a Rotel RC-1070 preamp, Rotel RB-1070 amp, Rotel RC-1055 changer. I can either upgrade the pre to RC-1090 or the amp to RB-1080. Either unit can be had for around $900. Which upgrade would give me the better bang for the buck? The second choice will be upgraded later down the road - 3 months or so.
A buddy of mine has your speakers. For shits and grins I brought over my Krell 400xi integrated. We rocked the house down! Sounded phenomenal. Tight, smooth and dynamic. Sell both the amp and pre-amp and get a used Krell, it will be under 2 grand. That should keep you on budget.

After I left, he re-hooked up his Denon receiver, all I can say is blah. Flubby and week. The Krell kicked ass w/ those B&W's. I have the CDM9's, not as nice as your speakers. The Krell will sound outstanding.

Might I suggest a Musical Fidelity A308 Integrated. I feel that this would fit the bill nicely. There is currently one here on the gon for $1699.00 which is within your budget.

I use one to drive my N803's with great satisfaction. FWIW I have a warm detailed system.

I use the Bryston 4bst mated to a Cary slp98 with great results; rock, classic rock, jazz, blues it all sounds great.