AXPONA anyone?

It'll be my first show as I don't usually have the funds to travel to the others. But, since I live a few hours west of Chicago, I thought I'd go. Friday and Saturday only. Anyone else planning on attending?
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I just drove home so, I'm a bit tired but I'll try to write about my experiences tomorrow. However, one room stands out. The Wharfedale/Avid room. I have no idea how the speakers sounded, the folks in charge NEVER SHUT UP. Salespeak on and on. The Avid designer was sometimes quiet, then ultimately, drawn into conversation/explanation by his partner. It was painful.
I had a great time and was actually pretty impressed with the sound of most rooms, given the challenging circumstances. I had hoped to compare high efficiency speakers and was somewhat disappointed in the lack of participation by some of the better known brands. That said, the Daedalus Argos powered by Purity Audio amplification was amazing. The Purity Audio stuff is a little beyond my means, but is probably the most impressive amplification that I’ve ever heard. You can always tell when a designer has a passion for music.

For those of you that were there when the fire alarm went off, did any one else find the alarm, well....unalarming? The high frequency was way too rolled off, and the midband was soft and uncompelling. It just didn’t adequately convey a sense of urgency, and I found myself deciding whether to flee or hang back with all the abandoned (free) equipment.
Hi Charles, I did hear them but came away with the feeling that I didn’t hear them at their best. The room was crowded both times that I popped in (an indication that I don’t know what I’m talking about), but they seemed to overload the room. I didn’t remain long enough to formulate a worthwhile opinion.