AXPONA anyone?

It'll be my first show as I don't usually have the funds to travel to the others. But, since I live a few hours west of Chicago, I thought I'd go. Friday and Saturday only. Anyone else planning on attending?
Hi Charles, I did hear them but came away with the feeling that I didn’t hear them at their best. The room was crowded both times that I popped in (an indication that I don’t know what I’m talking about), but they seemed to overload the room. I didn’t remain long enough to formulate a worthwhile opinion.
Thanks, i wish you could have heard them under better circumstances.
Here's a quick list of speakers that made a positive impression in no
particular order.
Lowther America
Waterfall Audio
Acoustic Zen Cresendo
Van L. Speakerworks-The Silhouette
Hornning Hybrid Systems
Audio Note
Transmission Audio M1i
YG Acoustcs-Carmel
Bogdan Audio Creations
Sonic Hemisphere
I forgot a couple.
Sony-ARS1(maybe the most balanced sound I heard)
Parts Express-DIY 2.1 system