Advice on pricing old Audio Research pieces


I'm looking for help with pricing for a Audio Research SP6 pre amp and a D52B power amp. They are both from 1979. Any ideas?
I'm not into spending $20 to find 2 prices...
BLue book doesn't really reflect current market sales. EBAY has changed that dramtically. Condition is everything in vintage audio. Demand for any audio piece is an elusive concept. Factor in the blue book, ebay , audiogon and you'll get an idea for a asking price. Ultimately you accept a a price from a buyer you can live with- Good luck. Be patient
even if you dont use it alot, it is worth it when you do use it, the BB is how this site gets funded so we should support it
BB may work for some people here, but I am with Lolo on this one - there's plenty to learn from what happens on A'gon alone .... and then ebay would be a worthy secondary choice. It all comes down to the condition and the time of year and this simply can not be reflected by prices in a book.