Recommend tube amp for $3.5K used

I'm going to make one significant upgrade this spring, and am considering a used tube amp in the not to exceed $3.5K range. I'm not sure if I should go with a moderate/high powered push-pull (Berning ZH 270 or various VAC, ARC, etc) or a lower powered SET amp (Art Audio, Cary, etc...). Musical tastes range from rock (Paul Westerberg, Pete Yorn, Springsteen) to Dianna Krall, Lyle Lovett, Jack Johnson, some classical, etcetera.

I see a lot of people bi-amping... but is that really necessary with highly efficient speakers (95dB @ 8 ohms)?

My speakers (Silverline Sonata II's) and Joule Electra LA 150 preamp are keepers, so recommendations should have good synergy with these components.

I want good dynamics, solid bass, air, soundstage, detail, while remaining fatigue-free. Yes... I know I'm asking for the moon.
Grannyring, those are great amps. I'm interested to learn more about why you recommended the two amps and in the particular order. Would you please expound.
If 100 wpc is what you are looking for then I strongly suggest the McIntosh 2102. It can be found used in your price range.
I have an ARC VS110 and it meets all of your criteria and is right in your price range. I haven't heard anything under $10k that would make me want to upgrade. BAT would be a good alternative to also consider.
Rogue M-150 Monoblocks. 150 watts Ultralinear, ~100 watts triode. Can be had for around $3k used. Has the qualities you're looking for.
If you wanr solid bass, you may just need to Bi-amp to get the best results, I have an Aragon 4004 and it gives great bass, although my top amp is still solid state I hope to one day try tubes.