Trying to audition Plinius in NYC

Anyone know where to audition the Plinius 9200 in or near NYC? I want an integrated amp to use with Totem Forests. Totem recommended Plinius 9200, Ayre AX7, Unison Unico SE, SimAudio i-5.
One dealer recommends the Primare 130. I would prefer an amp with phono stage.
Any suggestions?
Thanks, I'll give John another call. I actually spoke to him the other day and got the impression that he didn't have any Plinius units, recommended the Primare instead....
About 2 years ago, I visited Bob Visintainer's place in the flatiron district because I wanted to hear his AvantGarde speakers (too bad his LAMM amlifiers were out for servicing). I noticed he carried at that time Plinius amps too.

He is founder and president of Rhapsody Music and Cinema (see contact below).
Bob was very gracious to me and easy to deal with, though he knew I didn't have at that time (or even now) the $$$$$ for his equipment, over which I was salivating. He let me listen a little to the AvantGarde Duos. By the way I have no personal, business, or financial relationship with him at all; I just dropped in on his place once and liked it, and he was a great guy. So I would check his place out--here's the info:

27 W. 24th St, Ste 502 (Bet 5th/6th Ave)
New York, NY 10010

Best of luck, and I hope for your sake you don't like his mega-expensive equipment as much as I did ;-)
Well I decided to go with the Plinius 9200 sight unheard and have a sale pending for a used one...thanks to all for the input.