help with s.s. amp upgrade

greetings. have been slowly upgrading my system over the last few months. just began doing a little homework here on audiogon. i am in the market for a good used 1-2k S.S. amp.

am considering a variety of options...
arragon 8008bb - krell ksa-150 - mccormick dna -125, 250 - classe 15 etc.

without having the opportunity to actually sit down and let my ear be my guide - i was hoping to borrow a bit from your listening expertice. what can you tell me about each?

out of all these listed {and any that i missed} which is going to express more of the artists truer intention though the music? i.e. read some great reviews on the mccormick not coloring the sound... blah blah blah.

current system:

power plant: PS Audio PS-600

pre-amp: Audio Research LS3

cd: Naim CD5i

amp: Rotel RB 981 {120 wpc}

speakers: Paradigm Studio 100's V3.

speaker cables: Transparent "The Wave"

interconnects: Interlink "The Link" 200

any of this i should consider revamping?

the listening room is 13 x 22 with vaulted ceilings.

i plan on upgrading my speaker cables/interconnects a.s.a.p. and playing around quite a bit with room accustics. hoping to rest and enjoy for a bit after upgrading this phase.

thanks in advance.
The most neutral is Odyssey Extreme amps... stereo or Mono, just see reviews on and I own Khartago Monos from odyssey now and having the extreme upgrade this month they never do much wrong and cost a little less in general but maybe not the mono's... They are also about the highest current flow output you can get anywhere... And take a look around on this site and the one mentioned above many people switched from many of these amps and several alike listed on this thread for odyssey's
Matrix,Have you owned all the amps mentioned above?Im sure the Odyssey is a great sounding amp! I feel pretty safe saying that all the above mentioned amps are probably great sounding amps too,,,but who appointed you Audio God!I guess we should all sell our amps and get what you like!Maybe you should give us a list of products that "never do much wrong"Tim i apologize
Second the ARC 100.2

Best darn SS or digital amp I have had in my system.
Beat all comers (several dozen) rather easily.

Only 2 stages of gain lead to about as a harmonically unadultered sound as you are going to get in SS/digital.

Screams of the best tube amps.

not kidding here.
I think a good choice is Gamut D100 , I do not know if there is the MK3 version, but I use D200 mK3 and no other SS amplifer I heard is similiar or better- ML, Krell,Mccmarck, Rotel, mcintosh, Jeff rowland( this is very good too)
Raytheprinter, I thank you for pointing out that for some reason my opinion looks offensive, and thought that I would make a suggestion my friend just like any one else did before me on this thread,not sure what side of the bed you fell off onto your amp today but sorry it hurt so much! And yes I have owned very similar amps to the above mentioned and again gave a solid opinion and some resource's to check out which will in fact show hundreds of opinions on the amps and in fact show many that have owned these amps and their opinions vs. them, I never stated anything beyond take a look at the online resources for re-issurance, Thats it not sure why it offended you but sorry, we can argue Ferrari vs. Lamborgini all day but that was not my position or intention. And beyond that its very simple, Odyssey gives a 20 year warranty, can be purchased new for half what most can be bought Used for and bottom line open one up and be very suprised at the even higher quality parts and sound given vs. ARC, KRELL or any one else. I am like you I am sure, and like to research, Hear, and see quality, And I bet have considered, and seen considere and heard many amps just like you, and purchased several right off here on just the same as you to my friend. But thanks for the audio god appointment because I am sure somebody will see the light :) (jK)