what is the REAL deal with DK

I know there has been a lot on this manufacturer, but I just discovered them myself(today). I have never read so many positives while at the same time read so many negatives on any on amp(or any product for that matter). At the same time they are getting huge pats on the back from two different magazines? Could some owners of the Dk vs1 mk 2 offer there opinions that still own them, I maybe looking for an intergrated hybrid that has some power and this is the only one that seems to fit the bill in my price range. So...why the extreme positive and negative?!

Here is an excerpt from a review of the DK VS-1 Mk. 2:

"The VS-1 MK 2 looks cool, but how does it sound? A few years back, I had the pleasure of reviewing the Gryphon Callisto 2100, and thought it was the best integrated ever. Its $5700 price was way out of my range, or it would have been on my shelf. The VS-1 MK 2 does everything the 2100 did, and more. In terms of dynamics, it positively threatens to jump off the rack. It immediately reminded me of the Callisto in this regard, but goes it one better, portraying more depth and musical dimension. This leads me to its second distinction—soundstage and imaging. The VS-1 MK 2 is the best amplifier I have heard in this regard."

So what will you say now Charlie Charles? Who has more credibility, you or a professional reviewer? How do you say with such certainty that those other amps will crush the DK? Maybe you need to sharpen your listening skills?
Probably people who feel it is more than it actually is. DK happens to be a normal, average, run of the mill audio manufacturer selling fair products at fair prices. No more and no less. No magic and no snakeoil. Good for them.
Hi Snofun3, I did read those old threads as I had gotten a mk-2 to try and wanted to see if anything was written on any of the sites.You are correct about how hideous and angry it got.Then again it seems to be the going thing these days.The only point I was trying to make is everyone likes something different and that doesn't make one product sound better than an other one.I have heard and owned some very expensive equipment over the long haul and find it refreshing to (albeit late) in the expense game.It's too bad that some people consider a person as a shill when they are excited about a product and are trying to be honest and helpfull.As I said before I don't believe there is a best in anything.Regards,Bob
We used an older DK integrated amp in our room at the show.
I was very suprised as to the performance of that unit. It just creamed a pair of nuforce amps. So much more musical. I understand the new DK integrated have been taken to a much higher level I would definetly try one if I was in the market.

We used an older DK integrated amp in our room at the show. I was very suprised as to the performance of that unit. It just creamed a pair of nuforce amps.
Michael, what comprised the rest of your system?