Will power conditioning really help?

Been reading alot about SB2 etc and how having clean power really makes an impact on sound quality. Can someone go in depth for a newbie and explain why this is so? Do I just need a power conditioner or is there work to be done on the actual oulets and power system? How should I incoporate these benefits in my current system?

Totem Rainamakers
Nad c320bee
Modded SB2

P.S. Due to room constraints and lack of space I do have both my computer system and audio and t.v cable box. What can I do in this situation to improve power?

Thanks everyone.
I have used the Audio Magic Mini Stealth AC purifier for a couple years. I ABd with and without it for all my components and it always made a significant improvement. The sound with the purifier was always cleaner, clearer, and just plain purer. It seemed to "strain out grunge". My power cords are all top rated JPS Labs. Even my 3500 dollar Aluminata PC sounded better plugged into the mini stealth. I am a big fan of power purification! The mini stealth or stealth with more duplexes can be purchased on Audiogon used for a fraction of the cost new. I am sure there are other good AC conditioners out there. I do not think you have to spend big bucks, however.
I second Sugarbrie's recommendation for the Blue Circle BC86Mk3 power pillows (and I'm not a dealer), simply because they work; and perhaps not so simply, because they’re parallel and do not limit current. I’d also suggest that you replace the builder grade outlet with a Porter Port…at $36 they’re a tremendous bang for the buck.
Here's a question do I need a plain power conditioner or a conditioner with filters. My place so old I don't even know if we have common ground built into the building.