What are the sonic benefits of pure class A amps? Are they more "powerful"?
Wow, I wonder if Ken Stevens would upgrade my CAT amps with that APS technology! Oh yes, the 1970s and their super huge spec sheets. Those were the days when all amps measured very differently but still sounded the same. And now today everything still measures very differently but sounds wildly different. Hmmm, what happened? Man oh man I miss Julian Hirsch.

The attached website ( has a pretty good explaination of class A amplification form a lay persons perspective. I believe the Gryphon is designed as a push-pull topology (unsure) versus the Pass which is a single ended topology and depending on ones definition of pure class A the Gryphon may or may not fit the bill. But again I am not an expert on the subject.

Unsound I believe krell is a class a/b design

Chuck, all early Krell's were Class A. Some newer ones (IMHO the only real Krells) are as well, but, use their proprietery sliding bias scheme. I still think these sliding bias amps can make good on their Class A claim. The very early Krells used fans, the later ones used massive heat sinks and the newer ones sliding bias, (still pretty hefty heat sinks as well).

I went to krells web site and he states class A topology. It would be interesting to know if it is push-pull, single ended or what specific design they are.

I'm pretty sure its push pull. Other than Pass and Monarchy I don't know of any other single ended Class A solid state amplifier manufacturers.