What are the sonic benefits of pure class A amps? Are they more "powerful"?

I went to krells web site and he states class A topology. It would be interesting to know if it is push-pull, single ended or what specific design they are.

I'm pretty sure its push pull. Other than Pass and Monarchy I don't know of any other single ended Class A solid state amplifier manufacturers.

That would make sense given the power output. I am sure the Gryphon is as well. It is interesting stuff as I have always found circuit design especially for audio interesting. I majored in Mechanical Engineering as I never had a mind for electronics even though I do enjoy it as a hobby.

Chuck, even single ended Class A amps are capable of respectable power out-put. The solid state single ended Class A Pass Aleph 1's power ratings: 150 Watts > 8 Ohms, 300 watts > 4 Ohms, 600 Watts > 2 Ohms. Of course these amps were expensive exceptions to the norm. The less expensive Monarchy solid state SE 100 single ended Class A power amps power rating: 100 Watts > 8 Ohms, 200 Watts > 4 Ohms. The Monarchy hybrid tube/solid state single ended Class A SE 160's power rating: 160 Watts > 8 Ohms, 320 Watts > 4 Ohms. Needles to say I can't personaly verify these quoted ratings. There does seem to be some confusion about Monarchy's most recent 250 Watt Class A/AB hybrid's power ratings.
I shouldn't have singled out Monarchy for "confusion" with re: to rated power out-put. One of Pass' amps failed to achieve rated power during a test by Stereophile.