Modwright SWL9.0 SE Tube Rolling

I'm using TungSol 5687 tubes as supplied by Modwright in my SWL9.0SE. They are very linear and extended with deep bass, however they have little midrange bloom.

Has anyone rolled other tubes in the SWL9.0SE? If so, would you please describe their tonal characteristics?
finally dropped in the GE 7044, and these tubes absolutely added some flesh. i also removed the herbie tube dampers i had on my tubes, i think they were sapping some of the life out of the sound. i dont like boom or loose sound, but i also think some natural bloom is a must. anyway, i wonder why people are so enamored with the tungsols... they are definitely tighter and leaner. i guess it depends on the system, but i like the GE's better. now, off to try to find some sylvnias gb 5687. :)
Yup. It's stunning what Sylvania GB-5687 tubes do for the SWL 9.0SE. Other than being plentiful and inexpensive, I can't think of any other reason for the TungSol 5687 to be used so extensively in the Modwright preamp.
hey tvad... so, how much better are the sylvania's over the GEs? what would you say are their noticeable differences?
The Sylvanias have a sweeter top end than the GE 7044, with excellent extension, balance, and no hardness, etchiness or glare. IMO, the Sylvania GB-5687 tubes are a significant improvement over the GE 7044 in the SWL 9.0SE.
well, got a pair of Sylvania GB 5687, and in my system, they took a back seat to the GE 7044, which is so far my favorite. The Sylvanias and the TungSols sound too laid back, the GEs have are more forward and transparent in the midrange, which is key in my system. They are also a little lighter in the bass, and in my room, I've already got too much bass energy, so the GE's sound great. They don't sound closed in at all either, the Sylvania's felt reticent in comparison. Anyway, just goes to show, system matching takes precedence...