Best cables for Simaudio Moon system??

Hi there,

I really need recommendations on what are the most suitable interconnect and speaker cables for Simaudio Moon Systems? (P5 and W5 pre-power, and Eclipse CD player)

I've recently bought these Moon System, but so far still couldn't find the best-matched cables for them. I currently use Cardas Golden Reference Interconnect and Kimber Select speaker cables. My speaker is Thiel CS 2.3

Has anyone had experience about this?? Please help.

Your Cardas interconnects work well with Moon stuff. That's what I've used.

Thiel and Moon tend to be very accurate (Perhaps sometimes too much so). Kimber Select is as well. From my experience replace the Kimber with something smoother. I've had good sucess with Cardas and Synergistic Research speaker cables.
I use DH Labs BL-1 on my Nova to i-5.

I have tried much more expensive cables like the Cardas Golden Reference and Analysis Plus Silver Oval In, but I still find the DH Labs most suitable.

Speaker cables - I currently use DIYAUDIO Exodus Crossstream; but I have used the DH Labs Q-10 in the past with equal success.

I would recommend getting DH Labs all through, then you can play around a bit with some other cables.
Hi Benn,

I've had the P-5 and W-5 in my system with a Linn Ikemi for probably close to 5 years now and I'm very happy with the system and hopefully you will be as well.

For what its worth, I find the Sim stuff must be connected using XLR balanced cables. After some trial and error, I've had a lot of great success with UPOCC cables from companies such as Harmonic Technology and then Acoustic Zen and Cryotweaks.

Right now I'm using the Cryotweaks silver reference mk II XLR interconnects both from Ikemi to P-5 and then P-5 to W-5. For the speaker connectivity, I am using the Acoustic Zen Satori Shotguns which give a very nice natural and smooth yet very detailed sound.

One thing you didn't mention was power cords and power conditioning. The W-5 and P-5 react well with aftermarket power cords. I'm using the PS Audio xStream statement / plus cords and they work great in my system in combination with the other cables but I'm sure others that I haven't tried will work well as well.
Could it be that Moon gear will never be your cup of tea sonically speaking? Same thing happened to me, when I realized that the ''moon'' sound never gave me the involvement I wanted or that I deserved given the astronomic pricing of these (in my opinion anyway) overpriced units.