Linn users need your advice on Amps.

I am looking for a good power and pre amp combo for my new B&W 802D's and am looking at many products and have an attraction to the Linn product line.

My question is has anyone matched Linn with B&W. Specifically what do people think of amps such as the Linn Klimax Solo Monoblocks and the Klimax Chakra Twin? I can't afford the Solo's yet but potentially the Chakra Twin. Is this amp powerful enough for my 802D's? I think its rated at 125W into 8ohms.

Also what are peoples experience with the Linn Monoblocks (Klimax Solo's).

I eventually want to create a home theatre system so Linn is an attractive product to look at. I just haven't auditioned their products yet.

My musical interests are mainly alternative,experimental electronic,world,jazz.

Please let me know your thoughts on these products. :)
Trying not to sound like a sales pitch here, but, if you haven't heard the 102 DVD-A player, then go back and try to find that one. The 500 preamp has been upgraded at some point as well, try to find a new one.
The Linn monos are exceptional, but at half the price, and considering the speakers you have, the Classe 400's will give them a quite a run.
Haven't heard the 802D's yet, but would assume the 800D's are just the same, but more of it.
and thanks.
Putty's advice is clearly better than mine, having actually heard something similar to the combination in question.

As to your question, however, the Solo's would be far better than anything in the Chakra line, not only because they are 290 Watts into 8 ohms and 500 into 4 ohms, but because they are still the best sounding amp Linn makes. At 20k they had better be. But actually, I have seen these for as low as 8k on the used market.

Yes I would definitely look for a used pair as 20K is way above what I would spend on amps. I have to go and listen to a pair. I do not know how good the amps are compared to a set of classe Mono's.
I have solos with N802's see my system.

My wife loved the look of linn as well so it was an easy sell.

My thoughts are solos are great I would say a chakra twin wouldn't be enough unless you biamped but I feel I need two pairs of solos for my room its 11high by 14 wide by 25 long. So I don't know if I am answering your question or not but with you speakers and Linn only klimax would have enough power. That said they sound amazing. I am surprised that people don't talk about them more.

Your system is just fantastic. I would love to end up with something like it but have to test the equipment out. When you were choosing amps did you look at anything else?

Would you describe the Linn Mono's as bright,warm etc....

People probably do not talk much about the mono's because of their price range. If I were to go this route they would definitely be second hand. I have seen them go for around $9000 or so. That said how do you think they compare to mono's from other companies in the 9-10k range?

My wife really likes the compact size but she really doesn't care to much about electronics, she just wants to avoid an entire wall of the stuff....don't blame her.

I to have a large space. 12ft ceilings, 17x32' space where the system is in.

So would you agree that the Mono's would drive the 802D's nicely? How does your system fair in the HT realm? Are you satisfied with its performance?