Overpriced Tube Amps

I love tube amps, Ive owned many solid state the great ones, Blah Blah Blah. Ive been watching the prices increase on these old designs now 20 year old units going for 50% of original cost rusty old xformers and all. Dont be stupid when purchsing these things. Id love to name brands but i wont. Another thing is the prices some people charge for tubes 100 each? These things cost $3.00 new. I know they can make or break that 4500.00 tube amps sound but come on.
I have a 30,000 system and have yet to spend more then 15.00 each. I dont get it.
Those damned Toulouse Lautrec paintings, when he lived over the whore house he would give you one for a good dinner and a glass of Absinthe. Some idiots are paying over a million dollars a piece for these things. When I buy a Lautrec, I don't pay more than $50.00 which is, oh, something more than ten times times what a good meal would have cost him.
It seems as though whenever something is featured in a magazine the prices shoot up. It is absolutey ludicrous! Is this what you're referring to? I can't wait until they do one of those "retro" reviews on my loudspeakers. I'll dump them for 2x what I can get for them now!
Ya know, I was just down at the grocery store buyin' a nice box of Carlo Rossi rose. It gets the missis in the mood, ya know? There was some moron right next to me pickin' out some Chateau Effete something or other, from 1954, he said it was "new original stock" or somethin'. Like they made it, but no one drunk it. Well, if no one wanted it from 1954 to now, why the hell am I gonna' drink it? Hell, I want fresh wine, in a new box, not that old crap. Now get this, he was payin' what, a couple of hundred bucks for his old grape juice. Go figgur. This must be the same guy I read about that bought that $30,000 shower curtain. You think he drinks that wine in the shower? Life's a kick, isn't it?
Dude just chill out and buy used then. There are plenty of great amps anywhere from $700 to $3000. Also by buying used you protect yourself, if you don't like it you can quickly flip it at the price you payed, so it's no risk. Furthermore if you want to come on here and complain you could at least join!