Bel Canto eOne amps - Is this the future?

This is a relatively new amp series by Bel Canto. Any comments about this ICE technology? Are we done with the large power supplies and heavy back breaking amps?
Seurat, the proof is in the listening. A great part in what makes them different is their faster switching speed. They are analog, not digital. They don't sound like tubes, or solid state.
Eladarford, the H2O is the sum of it's parts. The 500A ICE module is crucial to
H2O's success, but that chip has no power supply. This is not to say the H2O
is merely a Scandanavian chip stuck to a cap and torroid.
Muralman1....All the complexity, design originality, and parts count are in the ICE module. The H2O power supply is a simple brute force design. This may be a great approach, but it represents a small part of the overall amplifier.

By the way, I have nothing against European products. The UcD module that I like also comes from Europe.