Rogue Cronus vs. Tempest II?

Has anyone compared the new Cronus integrated to the Tempest II from Rogue Audio? I'd be curious to hear anyone's thoughts...
I had a Cronus for about 2 weeks, I wasnt sure how a 55wpc integrated would handle my B&W N804s. It handled them in style, I was very impressed with the Cronus, so much that I went ahead and snagged a Tempest II. The cRonus is a great unit, switching the pre-amp tube made the biggest difference, i threw in a NOS 12au7 Mullard & that took things to a new level. The reason i wanted a T II was to have a little more power for those times when im home alone & can rock the house. For regular listening the Cronus is just as good as the T II.
Jclyle, thanks for the feedback. Do you prefer the 'sonic signature' of one over the other or is it just the piece of mind of 90WPC vs. 55WPC that made you choose the TempestII? If you could describe the sonic qualities of each a little more it would be greated appreciated!
The T II does 60wpc in triode & 90 in ultralinear mode. The sound in triode mode is wonderful, very detailed & ohh so smooth. Ultralinear mode loses some detail but is great for loud listening. The TII has more bass than the Cronus thanks to the KT88/6550 output tubes. I did notice that the mid-range of the Cronus had an edge over the TII. Much smoother than the T II, I was using NOS Mullards in all 3 12au7 slots so im sure that helped