Any system ever moved you emotionally like this?

Below is a recent quote from the LA Times from a concert violinist after he had played a violin made by the late 1600's master, Antonio Stradivari.

"After I played the Mendelssohn Concerto on it, I cried like a baby," McHugh recalled. It was "smooth, as sweet as could be. . . . It was something I had a love affair with."

Ever been moved to tears by a system? If so, what song was playing and what comprised the system?
there's NO substitute for playing a musical instrument and producing the sound yourself. that is the very definition of "involvement". and you don't necessarily have to be a professional musician. plus, it will greatly enhance your appreciation of the performance qualities of great musicians/singers when you listen to recordings on ANY system.
i feel i can understand (at least in part) the strong emotions of the violinist who played the strad-although the magnificient mendelssohn concerto may have accounted for 90% of his reaction.
okay, to answer the question, a.c.jobim on vinyl played on an sme-30 turntable with sonus faber extrema speakers.
the rest of the system was unremarkable. that was the 1st time i'd heard "high-end with heart"- very moving. everything i'd heard before that was more "hi-rez" than anything else.
I think the first time I heard Eva Cassidy was during the last Winter Olympics. Seems like Michelle Kwon skated to Fields of Gold. I remember scrambling to find out who sang the music though.
You're right about Michelle Kwan- she actually got some award from Cassidy's family I believe for using Fields Of Gold in her programs.
Yep, the first time I heard Avantgarde Duos at the US distributor's place - rest of system included Audiopax 88s, DcS digital stack and a Viva preamp (cannot recall the model). I had him play the live version of "Little Wing" from Hendrix In The West, and it was so moving that I teared up...this in front of a guy I'd just met less than an hour before. Amazing. That's what this hobby is all about.
I recall blasting through guitar solos with emotion that cannot be put into words. I would get wrapped up in the song so much it was like nothing else existed in the universe but the sound of the guitar and myself. Adrenaline, chills up your spine, heart pounding, heavy chested take your breath away, physically and emotionally draining, and no it wasn't cardiac arrest. It was euphoric.

As for tears, who me, never, it was something in my eye !!!

Music is magic