Lamm ML1.1 & ML 2.1


I've the opportunity to heard 2 times the ML2.1 - 18 watts class A - first time on JM Lab Grande Utopia BE and the other one, on Kharma CRM 3.2

I love the sound of the ML2.1 : so natural, so human...

But I don't know the lower priced ML1.1 - the 90 watts -I'm living in France and it's not well distributed.

What differs between both in terms of sound ?

Do you know other amp with this kind of natural sound - at same price or lower !!!!


20x40 room, wow, thats a large room. I remember seeing the Ephiphany speakers at Home Entertainment show here in NYC a year or two ago. The room was packed with people, so I really didn't get a chance to hear them because of the crowd, but they were beautiful speakers for sure.

I was checking out Onebgyn's room too, very nice indeed. What's this about a new ML3 - 30 watts for $135k? The Fed better keep raising interest rates because inflation is definately showing its face. :)

My room size is quite small, my listening space is 12'x12' so it's nearfield listening for me. I'm very limited to my room size for speakers.

I wonder if there are other speakers I should consider given the small room size? I've always been curious about a pair of Quads, but I just don't have the space. Monitors and a sub - I'm very skeptical about subwoofers and how they integrate. Monitors with no sub - why not just go with small floor standers? Any thoughts for a small room?
"Have any of you guys rolled the 6N6P=E182CC with a bendix 6900, or other 6119/5687 variant?"

I haven't.

Everyone I have talked to who are knowledgeable in tubes seem to think that the only tube to benefit is the 12AX7 as it is the first tube seen by the signal.
Guys, you are forgeting one very important amplifier that competes head to head with the ML2.1 - the VAC Phi Beta 110. In some ways, I feel that the VAC is even better then the Lamm. Both of these designs offer out-of-this-world sonics.

Has anyone here compared the two?
I do like the Vac and it was on my short list when I was looking to change amps but even though it is very good, I just would not trade my Lamm for the Vac.
James,I have an Avalon Ascent mk-2,and am running one Rel Stentor,coming in at 25hz.It did take a long time,but they integrate absolutely perfectly.NO seams!

As to your room,and mini issue.Yes,a small floorstander,like a Kharma 3.2,or possibly a Verity product,could do superbly.It's up to your commitment.I know your ARE committed,anyway!I know a fellow(actually a friend of my pal,though I have met him)who is now a mainstream reviewer(actually a pretty good one).He used to have a large dedicated room,with a large,complex system.He loved it.Well,he went through a nasty divorce(poor guy),and is now in a small living space.Small room,but he's a fanatic.He really knows his stuff,and has a HUGE LP collection.What he did,and very successfully,was mount the JM Labs Be Mini monitors on a stand that he had custom made(I don't know why he didn't like the normal stand).He then added a small sub(the Audio Physic,I forget which model,but it sells for about two "thou").He is ECSTATIC with the current performance.He has been able to integrate the sub perfectly.Trust me,he knows what he's doing,and all my friends who have heard the set-up comply.Actually he now likes the current system better than the old one.So,it can be done,for sure.Technology has given us a lift,if we chose to use it correctly.
