Lamm ML1.1 & ML 2.1


I've the opportunity to heard 2 times the ML2.1 - 18 watts class A - first time on JM Lab Grande Utopia BE and the other one, on Kharma CRM 3.2

I love the sound of the ML2.1 : so natural, so human...

But I don't know the lower priced ML1.1 - the 90 watts -I'm living in France and it's not well distributed.

What differs between both in terms of sound ?

Do you know other amp with this kind of natural sound - at same price or lower !!!!


Agree with jason and oneobgyn above - ML2 (I have the older version) is magic with Duo Omegas. The ML3 is not even a consideration for me - for that money, I'd get a Porsche 997 GT3!
The ML3, like the Porsche is something one would own for a lifetime. The amps he sent on loan are S/N 0001 and 0002.
I love driving performance cars and in fact own one. They are fun to drive but cost of the luxury with insurance and maintenance etc goes without saying.
For music lovers however, to sit in the sweet spot and listen to the music delivered by the ML3 Reference is almost a life changing event. Not sure where you live Triode but if you are in the SF Bay Area I would love to host you for a listen. Not sure when we have to return these amps but it is going to be difficult to let them go.
Hi Oneobgyn, you have a beautifully set up listening room & audio system. I am sure the Lamm ML3 will be extremely hard for you to part with & to give back to Vladimir.
I would really like to have a pair of the ML3 my self one day to use with my Parmenter Fat Boy horn speakers, I am using the Lamm M 1.2 reference amplifiers to drive this system at the moment which control the TAD 1601 a bass drivers really well.