The quality of sound of an integrated amp?

I have a question which I am aware is likely naive, but I sincerely hope to gain some guidance from experienced audiophiles. I recently purchased a Jolida JD 100 CDP and a set of Spendor S5e speakers, leaving older electronics, a C-J PV-12 preamp and an Aragon 4004 MkII amp. I have been intrigued by information here about the new generation of high-end integrated amps, particularly the Portal Panache. Will I be advancing the sound reproduction of my system by changing to this amp? I listen to quite a variety of music, from old rock and pop, to folk, and to small ensemble and symphonic classical music. I have certainly already improved the balance and bass reproduction of my system, with good resolving capacity. My goal would be to improve further the emotional involvement with the music, which I'm hoping this (hopefully last for an extended time) upgrade could provide.

Thanks for your comments.
I believe the Panche has a trial period. 30 or 60 days if I am not mistaken. I have always wanted to hear one too.
I am not familiar with your current amplification, but I have owned the JD100 and the Panache (though not at the same time). If your budget allows no more than the price of the Panache, it is my opinion that you could not do much better in the SS arena. That said (don't you hate that?) I prefer tubes. Not sure if your speakers will handle the majority of tube amps in this price range (around $1K I presume?).
Do yourself a favor and see if you can listen to a Rogue Cronus integrated. I recently purchased one for my Vandersteeen 2Ce Sigs and this amp has everything I was looking for. An excellent value and well made in the USA.
Do yourself a favor and keep what you have. Unless your intention is to reduce your system size, The CJ/4004 mkII has a wonderful synergy. I used the same combo for Maggies and ProAcs and you are not going to improve on what you have unless you step up beyond the Portal to a VAC Avatar SE or Phi Beta.