Audio Horizons TP 2.0 Preamplifier

Anyone famaliar with the manufacturer,and in particular
this pre amp.The credentials and testimonials seem
impressive.The advertised 10 day audition is appealing.
Rja While I ultimately went with cca's in the great tube shootout with the 2.0, I liked the PQ's alot and actually kept a quad of PQ's to change out for variety within my unit. They had a very dynamic, lively and splashy sound with my equipment with no harshness.
I'm wondering what the Amperex PQ's in location 2 and 4 with the Siemens CCa in the more critical 1 and 3 locations would do for the sound.
Joe, I'm happy to see that you are so happy with your system that you're willing to wait until you're snowed in before you tweak your preamp anymore. I'm curious if anyone has tried the elusive Amperex pinched waist 6922 tubes. They are rare and expensive. I have not yet found a deal on a pair, but I'd love to try a pair or hear from someone who has. In the meantime, I am happy with the Siemens CCa tubes in one and three location. By the way, Markwattkiss. I am still in the final stages of previewing these new power cords, but I think I can reveal the company now. They are made by Fusion Audio. I have the Predator and Impulse models in my system. I'm still a week or so away from making a final decision, but so far, I'm very impressed.
Sherod,thanx for the information,looking forward to hearing your impressions at some future point in time.