Audio Horizons TP 2.0 Preamplifier

Anyone famaliar with the manufacturer,and in particular
this pre amp.The credentials and testimonials seem
impressive.The advertised 10 day audition is appealing.
Sherod,thanx for the information,looking forward to hearing your impressions at some future point in time.
I am getting the 2.1nR should be here Friday.
I see were people are changing out tubes 1 and 3. Can I ask why those two??
I have a pretty good stash of NOS tubes I am going to be trying but am curious as to why different tubes in 1&3 and 2&4?? what do these tube locations do.
Thanks for any help
Has anyone compared this to a VTL 5.5? I've listened to a BAT vk31, a recent Mcintosh pre (C200?), a mid-end CJ premiere, and didn't like any of them.

I only got to listen to the VTL 2.5 (they were out of stock of the 5.5), but I loved the sonic signature of it - the tone and timber were right where they should be for my personal tastes. I was disappointed however by the the fact that it lacked instrument separation and that the orchestra strings were bloated. The salesman told me that the VTL 5.5 corrects those two shortcomings.

I am tempted to buy this sound-unheard, but I am still debating with the VTL 5.5 whose sonic signature I know that I will enjoy.

Any help would be appreciated.
I personally haven't had an opportunity to have a VTL 5.5 preamp in my system so I can't offer a comparison for you. My suggestion is that you ask the dealer to let you borrow a VTL 5.5 and listen to it in your system for a trial period. Audio Horizons has a 30 day return policy so you can get a 2.1n version to compare to the VTL in your own system. In my opinion, this is the best way for you to make your decision. Your system and room acoustics are more than likely different than your dealer's room, so get them both in your system for some serious listening with your favorite music.

Contact Gamecock and Cedar, one of those two had a 5.5, they could give you more insight from ownership.