Just getting into mid-fi need advice

After looking up all the messages out there, I am a little scared to ask this question with the title "hi-fi" as I am afraid my budget might not buy me entry into one so have titled it as "mid-fi"
I have come to the following conclusions,
I need a setup for a sterio system only (no 5.1/7.1 stuff).
I need advice for speakers I was thinking of the paradigm reference studio 100 V3 speakers.
I listen to classical, rock (not heavy), indian music, acoustic guitar etc.
I am willing to spend another 1000 on the components and was thinking of buying them second hand here at the gon.

Please help with recommendations.
Also I am a little confused about the buzz on tubes, actually I was quite surprised to see so much enthusiasm about them. I am a electronics engineer and work in semiconductor devices, its been ages since I read about tubes however I was impressed about all the class a amplifiers out there using tubes and the talk on solids clipping harshly. Do you folks think that using a solid state amp in the linar regime will still not produce the sonic quality of a tube?

Please advice, if you think my rather no-knowledge questions sound stupid please accept my apologies.
Glad to see your sticking to 2 ch,,! What size is your room ,and how loud will you be listening? How much is your speaker budget? I had Paradigm 100s V2 and have heard V3s ,they do like high current to sound thier best,IMHO you could get a better sounding pr. of speakers used for the new price of the Paradigms. Make sure to get a speaker that will fit well with room size.Do you have any shops in your area where you can listen to some diff. stuff?Some folks like tubes and others dont,lots of debates about that,just check the archives!!For 1000.00 you might do well with a used integrated amp, Dont worry about your questions,feel free to ask about anything concerning audio,and welcome to audiogon!Ray
buy everything used right here on audiogon,there are lots of good folks here who are honest & will help you put together a killer sounding system.

most sellers here on audiogon (including myself) are very anal about the condition of their gear & you should be able to find used speakers here that look & sound like new at half the new price.
I live in an apartment, room size is around 20x14 (I think) its not a very large room.
I looked at the speakers there were some on sale. I am more inclined towards floor standing speakers.
What would your recommendations be on the speakers in my budget (around $2000 +/- 500)?
I was under the impression that one should buy new speakers and it should be ok to buy used components.
In my modest budget range of $1000 for the components I was looking at a integrated 2 channel amp - am not sure which one, I saw some rotels up for sale - however would greatly appreciate suggestions for systems.