Which Tube Pre for 5K?

I'm considering the following: Aesthetix Calypso, VAC Standard, MkII, and Blue Circle BC3 Galatea, MkII (feel free to add others). I'm unable to audition any of these. I do want a fully balanced pre with a remote and would consider buying used.
Thanks all.
Unless you have to have new, at $5K, I would recommend the VAC Ren Mk2. It has a remote and accepts XLR at input and output although I am told it is not a balanced circuit internally.
I just heard the deHavilland Mercury2 and can highly recommend it.It made the hairs on my arms stand up(since I don't have any on my head).
I had similar requirements in terms of price and wanting a tube design, true balanced differential circuit and a remote. I bought the Calypso and havn't regretted it for a moment. I think the Calypso is an incredibly great unit. You may want to upgrade the stock tubes, however, which takes one pair 12ax7 and one pair 6dj8/6922. Good luck.

If you can squeeze in another $500-800 on the used market, the Aesthetix Callisto Signature would be a worthy consideration as a huge step above the CAT, BAT and ARC.