Seeking hot running amps

Which poweramps run hot? I am looking for a hot running amp to warm my room in the winter. I have heard of Krell, pass, threshold.
tubes are welcome. my audio research sp16 (6 tubes) emits a little heat. I want to heat and warm the room at the same time.
The hottest running amps that I have had are

Conrad Johnson
Mark Levinson 33H & 33
A Pair of Mark Levinson #33's should fit the bill quite nicely! Lots, and lots of cooling fins-heatsinks on these puppies, plus they're just about the size of large radiators, so when your freinds come over, they will comment "Hey your Radiators even play music too!? Woah, taht;s cool!!" lol Mark
Parasound amps are known to run very hot. I read that of the older models a few years ago, so maybe they've cooled them a bit since then.