Seeking hot running amps

Which poweramps run hot? I am looking for a hot running amp to warm my room in the winter. I have heard of Krell, pass, threshold.
My vote goes to the Mccormack DNA-1. The fact that it operated so hot, actually contributed to my getting rid of it. An excellent sounding amp.

Allanbhaganinfo, your analogy does not work. Class A amplifiers generate heat because they are on all the time. The engine in your car makes heat- all the time- because it is on all the time too. But it is not correct to compare the two!

Class A amplifiers get used not because they make heat but because they are the best sounding amplifiers made. IOW, any amp that is not class A won't sound as one that is (all other things being equal). Especially when one is investing thousands of dollars in an amplifier, one ought to be aware that the sound quality investment is better served by an amp that is class A (and runs hot).

It is assumed that the amplifier is also designed to handle the heat that it makes- we've been making class A amplifiers for the last 28 years and so far the heat of the tubes has not caused us any reliablity issues- and we get good tube life too. Its all in the how you handle Class A requirements.
I'd like to hear someone tell us how Atma Sphere amplifiers are anything BUT reliable. Personally, I haven't come across a more reliable amplifier, be it Class A, Class A+, Class A/B, Class B, Class D, or Class XYZ.

Yes, if you want heat, a Class A amplifier is your ticket. Nice in the winter. The power draw isn't a positive, but that's about it when it comes to drawbacks. I concur that Class A often goes hand in hand with great sound. The Atmas being as good a Class A amplifier as you'll ever come across, particularly if tubes are your cup of tea.

Never understood those who were running their Atmas in Class A/B mode. As I like to say, "In for a penny, in for a pound." In my opinion, you run your Atmas the way they are supposed to be run, with the kind of speaker they are supposed to be mated with, or you find some other amplifier.
Hi Ralph, yes, class A does have its sonic attributes, I never said it did not, but the heat is an issue, what you say go against studies done by the US military and us, showing that tube life is directly affected by heat, the higher the shorter the life, as well it goes against what has happen to so many Class A amp manufacturers in the past, going out of business due to reliability issues.
Class A tubes also deteriorate at a faster rate than ones in Class A/B amps, again due to the heat (or always being on).

A well designed Class A/B is harder to implement, "True" auto biasing and power supplies need much more attention , when this is achieved a Class A/B amp can be excellent but I agree, not too many get it right.

As for the analogy with the car, IMHO it's correct, Class A tube is on all the time, it requires the power, to be on all the time, from the supply, a well designed AB can be a factor of many times more efficient and many times cooler.

I'm not saying that Class A does not have it's place, but to say that Class A should be worth more than AB is wrong and misleading, AB can be more expensive and complicated to implement correctly and for people who don't want to risk their family and friend/Pets to burns or heat discomfort, as well for those with an eco conscience, Class AB can be as excellent if well designed.

Good tube life is relative, we have amps out there with the original tubes that are way over 20 years old.

I mean, don't take me wrong here, we will be making Class A amps again in the future, we just don't feel that it's worth more only because it's Class A.

Last of all, No one is saying that Atmaspheres are not reliable, my comment was general for Class A vs. Class AB and what heat does, and that is with us having 36 years of research in the matter.

Get near my Sugden and it feels like the heat from an engine block.
Great for warming up a small apartment.