Seeking hot running amps

Which poweramps run hot? I am looking for a hot running amp to warm my room in the winter. I have heard of Krell, pass, threshold.

Get near my Sugden and it feels like the heat from an engine block.
Great for warming up a small apartment.
Notwithstanding the perceived heat given off by the previously mentioned amps, no amp gives off more heat than its rating, which in the case of tube amps is about 300 watts, 500 watts tops. The smallest electrical space heater gives off more than that. It is silly to buy an amp for its "appartment heating" capacity.
Bob P.
Plinius makes great sounding amps that, when run in class A, will heat up the most chilly of rooms.
Which amps run cool? I am looking for an alternative to my freon A/C unit that sounds better than the noise IT makes. What a STUPID post.