Humidity question - please try to answer...

Does humidity go up before rain comes?
I am trying to understand why my system sounds better on some days.

Thanks in advance...
Hey Gunbei,
I loved the Blade Runner reference ;)
"If you could see what I have seen through these eyes...."
Humidity does go up when it rains... as for why it sounds better:

As the humidity increases, speed of sound increases and sound power attenuation (by absorption) decreases. All because air density decreases as the relative humidity increases. This is a possible explanation; but I tend to favor the one that says sitting in your cozy listening room on a grey rainy day is one of the best places to pass the time watchin' the ions dislocate some surfaces - and the music just sounds better :)
Yeah Slipknot, that's a great movie. I guess a four year life span for high end audio equipment would be as unacceptable to us as it was for Roy, Leon, Zhora and Pris.