Does anyone have the new VAC Phi 300 amplifier?

If so, I'm very interested in your impressions and associated equipment.

I am glad I own the Phi 2.0 Pre amp and the Phi 220 mono amps. I have been in sonic heaven. Kevin's equipment is the first tube equipment to really grab me and draw me in. I had been a die hard Krell owner for years and had listened to all the usual suspect in the tube world, but VAC was the first I had heard that made me want to dump my solid state quickly. It has the best of solid state dynamics with the musicality, bloom around the notes and 3D presentation of tubes. Built like a tank too. He needs to get more credit and recognition...I guess he's too humble to toot his own horn like so many designers in high end audio do.


I will be glad to, but the amps are still in transit. I'll probably receive on Fri. and hopefully by early next week, I'll be able to leave some impressions.