Amp for B&W 802N

Ijust bought B&W 802N. I'm using MF A3.2cr. I'm offered a used Mark Levinson 332. I'm told my amp isn't powerfull enough to handle 802's. Which of these would better amp:
Krell, ML332, Bryston 14SST, or anything else within $2,500-$2,800.
Any advice is appreciated.
I can't give you help on those you asked about but I have the same speakers. I used Rowland M201s and they were great. They are in that price range and I would highly reccomend them. The M501 are even better. I tried these and the Lamm M1.2 reference and for my taste liked the Lamm the best.
I own the B&W 800D and still do at this time. I had tried many amps on them: Mc 1201, ML 436, Krell 400cx and now Accuphase M2000. I found that the Krell was the best match for the B&W at your price point. See if you can get a 300cx for them. The other amps never got the bass out of the B&W like the Krell did.
I second the Krell 300cx. That is my setup. I would also biwire them using the extra pair of speaker terminals on the Krell. Both the amp and the speakers seemed to like the extra set of wires... more bass and more open sound.