GFP-750 - blue v. red circuit boards

Recently, I have seen a couple of posts and ads that talk about the Adcom GFP-750 with the preferred blue (v. red) circuit board, but never an explanation for why it's preferred. What makes this model preferred?

Bob R.
Another thing,
The reliability and/or balance control issues may or may not have been resolved on the newest Adcom GFP-750's, so my comments on the newer units may or may not still apply.
The newest unit that I have owned, with the red circuit board, was an early 2005 model, and it did have all the above mentioned problems. I exchanged it for another new model and it had the exact same issues as the first one.
They were both BIG disappointments.
Well, then I must have a blue board... 'cuz I have the funtions as the blue is stated to have.
My balance is loudest at 12:00
The passive is MUCH lower in vol than the active.
I will look in at it.
I also have a GFP 750 and my results are the same as Elizabeth.. I looked throught the top vent holes in my unit and the board is Blue.
i have one with a red board, dang it, i'm going to open mine up, and try to color my board blue, so it will sound better
Daltonlanny is completely correct with his observations. I tried out two separate brand new units in Mid 2004, both made in Taiwan.

They both sounded good but the volume and balance controls were crap. The turning feel was not smooth and both pots had a large amount of play or wiggle in their operation. Also, the shafts were not even aligned straight perpendicular with the front of the unit. I also noticed the volume would increase when the balance was moved to either side of the 12:00 position. That was annoying to me as well.

I just received an older USA made unit from a fellow audiogon member and this unit is built rock solid. The balance and volume pots on this one are high quality ALPS pots with very smooth turning and absolutely no loose wiggle feel.

I don't know how many of the Taiwan made units have the inferior controls but I know the Mid 2004 models did.