Biamping Question

I have a solid state amp rated at 225 watts per channel. I'm told it actually tests a bit higher than that, perhaps closer to 300 watts. I just acquired a 100 watt tube amp. I had intended on running these separately with various components I have, but I'm wondering if it is worth trying to biamp with the solid state amp at the bottom and the tube amp at the top.

Can anyone offer advice or suggestions. The amps are a TRL D-225 solid state and a Music Reference RM-9 tube. Thanks
It is not uncommon for people to biamp with tubes and solid state, attempting to combine the advantages of both.

If you passively biamp, it is very important that the amps have the same gain. If the amps don't have the same gain, it would require a mod to one of the amps, which should be able to be done by any competent technician.

If you actively biamp, using an external, electronic crossover to bypass the speaker crossover, not only do you have to make sure that the gain matches, but you have to bypass the speaker crossover. This will require surgery to your speakers unless have something like Linn speakers, where you bypass the crossover by connecting to different speaker posts. Even if you did do such surgery on the speakers, it is possible that it could sound horrible. Speaker designers will match the crossover to the drivers and cabinet that they are using. If you bypass their crossover, who knows what will happen since the designer did not intend such a use when designing the rest of the speaker!

From your post, however, I am assuming that you are simply talking about passive biamplification, so it's just the amp gain that you have to watch.

Using Linn equipment, which is designed to biamped, I found passive biamping to make a small, but noticeable improvement. Active biamping, on the other hand, is a huge upgrade.
A lot depends on your speakers. If they are fairly efficient, over 90db, then 100 watts is more than enough.
Try the biamping vs either amp alone. You may find that biamping is more difficult with lessor results. I've always had problems keeping the gain equal between amps (ie the tube amp may be louder at low volumes but as volume increases the solid state amp may gain more quickly and overpower the tubes?).
Try it!
Try passive biamping!

If your amps have input volume control, thats it...
If not you can get a passive volume attenuator(Axiom, Creek, Placette) and connect it to the bass amp in order to match gain.
I have used (ahh tabu!) an Equalizer with my VOTs for bass in order to increase gain on the Bass amp with great results!! (I even added a little lower octave bass BTW)

Just connect them to your speakers original Xover.
The main point of biamping is to give less work to the amps so they can respond better, dont try to redesign your speakers....

I Recommend biamping mainly for complicated music, I have found that its very hard to get a full symphonic Orchestra with just one amp.... I dont know if anyody esle feel the same way?

What speakers do you have?