High power integrated suggestions please.


I would like suggestions to look into. The reference is a McIntosh MA6900 which is the only one on my short list.

I've been racking my brain for other integrateds that have what the 6900 offers; sonics, convenience(loudness switch, equalizer), build quality, aesthetics, reliability and the customer support and service Mac is famous for. It also needs to retail for $5k or less.

I love the Mac sound, full bodied and dynamic to these ears. And I would want a cdp from the same company. If I go with the Mac it would be the MCD201.

Any thoughts? Thanks for your time and any suggestions.

I own the McIntosh MCD205 CD player and the McIntosh MA6900 Integrated amp for my Sonus Faber Grand Piano Domus Speakers. I am running a balanced connection from the CD player to the amp. The MCD201 was not available when I bought the MCD205. This is a great sounding combination.
here's a sleeper choice that is truly a fine integrated: atc sia2-150. it will handle any load and is wonderfully clean and musical.
Chord intergrated is powerfull ,expensive and refinedif you have a budget t hat will allow it blows doors on all mentioned and like say the (excellent)Music Fidelty.I sold Mac for 6 years and know it's gear thjat if you like it you love it and right now am thrilled they again offers a 75 KT88 based tube amp of 75 watts which is equivillant to 150 solid state watts.Because it's tube carefull impedance matching would necessary.If you like Krell with ultimate bass grip and slightly metallic mids and clean highs the new krell Int. is an excellent choice.I sold and had previous 150 watt 300i and word is 200 watt 400i is better not only more powerfull.To clinical for some ears or speaker matches and not good with Maggie or Thiel) still Krell could be your ticket.You can neve have too much current (within reason I had a 300 wat Adcom 5802 hooked up to monitors and had to run pore pasive to use more than up to ten o'clock of volume dial.Lost dynamics in passive mode but needed to to use the volume and get fine adjustments of said volume so there are limits.But of course you can much more easily damage speakers with too litttle power by driving amp into clipping than you can by having to much current .It will be too loud and you'll back off.
Hope these tidbits help
Check out the Plinius line of integrateds... I use the 8200 and am very happy...