Broken CAT

I recently dropped my CAT SL1 Ultimate MKII and it cannot be played. I have a CAT JL2 Amplifier so I thought the CAT Pre would be a most nautural partner. Since I did not want to wait for repairs, I bought a used Lamm LL2 and was very pleasantly suprised. I'm no reviewer, but I felt that in some ways the Lamm worked perhaps as well if not better with the CAT amp - very musically engaging. So now I'm wondering what experience some of you may had with successfully using a non-CAT pre with one of the CAT amps. If it helps to know, I listen mostly to jazz and folk rock, mostly acoustical instruments and I'm using Merlin VSM-MX speakers. Thanks.
Your reaction to replacing the cat ultimate is not surprising. I currently own a Cat JL2 and perfer my Jadis JPS 2 preamp as a match with my cat amplifier. I tried the Ultimate Mk II preamp with my cat amp and thought the combo lacked body and soul (to steril sounding). I did very much like the low end bass on the cat preamp but from the midrange up I felt it was not a good match with my excellent JL2. My jadis preamp is a much better match with my JL2 in my opinion and I sold my ultimate preamp.
Do a search in the archives. A number of us CAT amp owners have reported our findings with non-CAT preamps.
Mt resposne to to the Lamm in the system was similar to 42659, the sound was some how juicier and individual instruments were less spotlighted, that is, they were still distinct, but as if all playing toghether in the same room - I always felt the CAT pre had great detail, but I also felt like I was disecting the sounds rather than listening to the music as whole. Thanks for the tip on the Jadis, I will investigate.