Help with a tube amp recommendation

Hello All
I am going to give a tube amp a try and I would like some help. I have a Wadia modded 850 and I want to try a tube amp. My speakers are Merlin TSM-M's My chooses are the Manley snappers, the VAC auricle music blocks and the BAT VK-55. I am going to be new at tubes so which one is going to be the most user friendly? I like very detailed sound. Are any of these what I am looking for? Please any suggestions would be great.
Definitely put the Audio Research VT100MKII on your list. Unbelievable soundstage, detail and slam with the right speakers. Tight defined and deep bass.Some tube amps can sound slow and tubby in the bass. Not this one. Good luck!
You might want to post this in the speaker forum too, and make sure to put Merlin in the subject, chances are Bobby P will give you some "first-hand" recommendations!
As to the Audio Research VTL100 Mk2, my friend had a Audio Research VTL 200 MK1, and he agreed my Jadid Orch at less than half the size of his AR amp/pre combo, was superior in resolution, cleaner/less fatigue, to his AR. Of course he had the power to drive the power thirsty Mirage One's, which were too much for the Jadis.
I plan to upgrade to the Cayin A88.
In yrs to come I imagine Jadis will have to drop its prices due to Cayin's superior produts at less than half the price.
You might want to check out the Berning ZH-270. The Merlins love the Berning ZH-270. I have MSM-MX's with Super Bam paired with the ZH-270 and they sing together.
The ZH-270 is an incredible value for the money and wonderful with the Merlin MSMs.
