Help with a tube amp recommendation

Hello All
I am going to give a tube amp a try and I would like some help. I have a Wadia modded 850 and I want to try a tube amp. My speakers are Merlin TSM-M's My chooses are the Manley snappers, the VAC auricle music blocks and the BAT VK-55. I am going to be new at tubes so which one is going to be the most user friendly? I like very detailed sound. Are any of these what I am looking for? Please any suggestions would be great.
I'm going to be a bit of contrarian. Having had all 3, I prefer the sound of "conventional" OTL amps (Joule and Atma-sphere) to the Berning with VSM-MMs. And to be a bit more contrarian, right now I prefer the Atma M60s to the Joule.
I'm presently using an tube integrated - Audiomat Prelude Reference Mk2 with my Merlins. Great sound.
I too highly recommend the Berning ZH270. I have had mine with the VSM-mms and now the VSM-MXs. Cello, Vetterone and Musicpre have all stated what I have experienced with the Berning in my system. Perhaps you could tell us where you are and might be able to find one near you for a listen. You really need to hear the Berning with Merlins.

I own TSM-MM's and two Berning’s (ZH-270 and MicroZOTL headphone amp). The Bernng’s are dead quiet, run at room temperature - not sizzling hot like some OTL amps and the tubes should last for most of my lifetime. The Berning has a fantastic track record for reliability and this makes it a great long term investment. Quality, synergy and great sound never go out of style.
Hello All,

Thanks for all of the responses. Looks like I have to put the Berning on my list to audition. I still have the others I list to listen to also. I will let you know the winner. Thanks again