Phono preamps

Hi All,

I have a small budget, and Im considering two unis, the NAD PP2, Parasound PPH100, and the Rotel RQ-970BX. Any feedback on them? Any other units I should consider under about $200? I have an older micro seiki turntable, a new Arcam AVR 300 receiver, and I tend to prefer moving coil cartridges.

Thanks in adavnce.

Ag insider logo xs@2xrustler
A phono preamp around the $200 price point that can also do MC is a bit of a challenge. The only other one I can immediately think of is a Goldring. I think the model number is PA-100. Strictly speaking, it's a MM unit, but it is competent with high output MC cartridges. I can't comment on its performance relative to the other units mentioned.
I also owned the Parasound PPH-100 and I would look elsewhere. I was using a high output MC cartridge, the gain was barely OK but the sound was very dull and uninvolving. For about the same money I would go with the Bellari mentioned above.
Thanks so much to all of you. I'm making a move on the Bellari. I'm still open to opinions if that one falls through.

Bellari fell through; I was too late; still open to advice/suggestions/offers/etc.

the rustler
Hi All,

I just called and spoke with a technician at Rolls/Bellari. He said that their phono preamp "cannot work with moving coil cartridges." (!) What am I to make of this, given that some report using them with good results?
