Looking for more amp power for ACI Jaguars

I have the above monitors which are not that tough of a load (Nominal 8 ohm that dip down to 6 ohms), but they are relatively inefficient (87db). Recommended power for them is 50-300 watts.

I am using a TRL modified Musical Fidelity A300 integrated which is 150W @ 8 ohms and 260W @ 4ohms.

I have a rather large room (17x25) and my listening position is about 9 feet from the monitors with a good 10 feet then behind me. I do use a an ACI Titan sub for the low end duties. JAgs go down to lower 40hz per specs, but I have them plugged in rear ports so they roll off at closer to 60hz.
Although the ACI Jags do not strain with the MF A300, they seem like they could use more power IMHO.

I was thinking about adding a decent ($1000) used more powerful amp and using the preamp section of the MF A300 for now. I would add a dedicated preamp later (likely a tube pre) and sell the MF 300.

HAve looked at the MArsh 400 amps on AG here, a used Parasound HCA 3500, and a few others.

Another option is bi-amping but I don't quite understand how that works and how to then match gain levels of amps.
I do bi-wire the Jaguars with positve results.

Would welcome any suggestions.
You can verify whether the monitors are too small for your room with a simple SPL meter. If the level is adequate at the listening position, then the monitors are OK.

I get 85 db at listening position when the integrated is pushed a bit which I consider fairly good sound level. Maybe it just seemed like I needed to push the amp more than I thought I should to get this sound level.
The overall impact of the sound seemed a bit light to me at times.

I did change power cords to a Tunami from a VH Flavor 4 and this seemed to flesh out things a bit.
Also with some basic diy bass traps experiments-the bass and overall impact was enhanced. I think I may have had some standing wave issues and cancellation going on.
The second sub experiment should help with that-but yes, it could get tricky on setup.
These minor changes have helped.

I think maybe the monitors should be capable here and maybe I was to quick to point a finger at them or my amp, and I do like the ACI house sound.

I have a Mirage LFX-3 crossover sitting here from a friend with a missing power cord/wall wart. Maybe I will get him to dog that out of his closet and try the active Xover. I am always hesitant to stick anyhting else in the chain, but the Mirage is supposed to be pretty clean.

I am still curious about a different amp potentially and will research the ATI's you mentioned.

I guess I am realizing that there are many elements here to explore and should see by trial and error which move the sound to where I want it which is simply a bit more impactful presentation.

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Thanks Bob.
Interesting comments and a good read on the M&K site link.
I have also read a lot of Robert E. Greene's ideas on AA.
He really seesm to like the idea of two subs if set up properly.