Will increasing size of amp improve sound quality?

My system is a Rotel and includes:
pream RC1070
Amp RB1050
CD RCD 1072
Tuner RT 02
Speakers Klipsch bookshelf 75s

The system is in a den approx. 10x18. I wondered if I increased my power amp to, say, Rotel 1080 would I improve my sound quality overall?
Thanks to all of you who thus far responded to my question. I am so new at this that I am easily confused. I looked into the Sonus Fiber speakers. Which ones would you recommend? And, I wondered if they are priced by the pair or singly. Bartokfan mentioned moving on. Had you had a bad experience with the Rotel?
Vman: I will show my ignorance. What does it entail to upgrade a cross over network?

With the Klipsch speakers, the majority of the improvement comes from upgrading the caps, resistors and in some cases the iron core inductors. It's not a very difficult thing to do and it greatly improves any Klipsch speaker.

Mike: Thanks for the input. I sm "audio-illiterate". Where would I go to get this done? And, what should I expect from the speakers after the upgrade? And, how much would it cost? Jack

I do Klipsch and other speaker manufacturer crossover upgrades. Typically what I do is, I walk you through getting the crossovers out of the speakers and then you just mail them to me. We would talk about the level of upgrade (e.g. film and foil caps, metallized polypropelene or PIO's). If I can pre-order the parts, I can do the mods in one evening and get them back out to you the next day.

There is NO DOUBT that upgrading my speaker crossovers brought me the most sonic benefits, more than any IC, PC or speaker cable. The crossover upgrade is across the entire frequency spectrum (high, mids, lows).

My upgrades have never exceeded $275 and without looking at a schematic, I would say to do your pair would probably be around the $200 area, and maybe less.

If your interested in talking about this more, email me at:


I'll give you my phone number and I try and answer all your questions. I will even send you before and after pictures so you can see my work.
