pass labs x0.2 "pro's and cons's"

looking to buy a pass x0.2 here on audiogon. before i finalize the deal, i am looking for anyone with experience using and listening to this preamp for their impressions.


"Beware" sounds like some kind of ominous warning! It would be rather strange if it doesn't match with the X250.5. Generally speaking, Pass Pre-amps matches very well with their amps. I have heard the X1 with the X350.5 paired up with Gershman and also Avalon speakers and the sound was very good. I have also heard the 0.2 and Pass amps at various hi-fi shows and there is nothing to indicate that they would not match well- even with the newer .5 series. The Hovland pre and Pass amp combo had an edge in richness but the X1 combo had more dynamics- hear more of the music. To each his own I guess.
i have one coming tomorrow. i will hook it up and compare it to my bat vk51se. the bat is broken in and the x0.2 will need some time, but it will make for an interesting comparison.

i think i will keep both preamps for now, use them in rotation and see which i truly like better over the next 6-9 months.

i will note i have had the bat vk51se for 3 yrs. and i matches very well so far with my 600.5 monos and wilson watt puppy 7's.

i will keep all informed.

dr. keith zeliger
Keith, I have the X1 and agree with Zenaissance. I do not find it uninvolving at all. It is, however, not something that will "add" any of its own character to the sound, which is the way I like it. If you're looking for a "sound" you won't find it here. But if you are looking for a dead quiet preamp that will let all of your source information shine through unencumbered then the x0.2 (or X1 !) might be the right choice. In my case I have it matched with an AVA FetValve amp and the sound is pure heaven!
tonyptony thanks for the input.

i got the x0.2 on friday and hooked it up in my system. i ran my purist system enhancer rev.b disc thru all it unputs one at a time. i ran the disc 4 times thru each input and then sat down for a listen.

over the weekend i listened to the x0.2, my vk51se, and a freinds ref2 mkii. overall i like the x0.2 the best. it is extremly quiet, dynamic, huge soundstage, very 3 dimensional, and i agree does not color the music.

i actually found it the most involving of the 3. with listening to the music as it is meant to be heard i found myself finding a new appreciation for all i listened to.

i also very much like my vk51se, but came to realize how much it and the ref2 mkii color the music.i found them different from the x0.2 and had a flavor of their own which i like but not as much as the x0.2. my least favorite was the ref2mkii.

my amplification are a pair of x600.5's, and the entire system is cabled in nordost valhalla. my speakers are wilson watt puppy 7's. i have a vpi hrx which i just upgraded the suspension, 4 12.6 arm tubes and 4 differnt cartridges(lyra titan i, dynavector xv1s, koetsu onyx platinum, and a benz lp).i use a manley steelhead v.2,
and a wadia 861se with gnsc statement upgrades.

the system is phenomenal and i loved it with the vk51se, but it has taken on a new and i think better , more enjoyable , air about it.

the x0.2 is detailed, but not fatiguing at all, and i found my self drawn into the music more than ever. the unit i got is new with pass labs newest updates.

i will keep both preamps and use them in rotation. why not?
the x0.2 will be my primary, but if i want the coloration and lushness of tubes , i can.

thanks for everyones input, and god bless,

dr. keith zeliger
Keith, I have as similar situation. I have an X.0 and a Ref2 Mk 1 driving Avalon Ascents and I swithch back and forth. I like the 6922 driven ARC better than the 6H30 preamp because it sounds more tube like. I have cxhanged my mind several times as to which is my favorite preamp and I suppose it depends on what I'm listening to. Anyway, enjoy.